Thursday, October 28, 2010

Revised What I Learned

Ryan Jacoby
Dr. Brandon
English 111
What I Have Learned So Far
This year in English 111 I believe I have put in enough effort and completed my assignments to achieve an A for the semester. Some of the things I have done is I have been to every class, I do the weekly assignments, I finished the paper due for you and Dr. DeMayo, and I have learned a lot through the course of this class. Some of the main points I will hit will be the general course goals: rhetorical knowledge, process, critical thinking, reading and writing, oral communication skills, and digital technologies.
Before I started the class I had no idea what a rhetorician even was. Now I know a lot about what rhetoric is and what rhetoricians do. Rhetoric is the study of how to accomplish your ends by using communication. Rhetoricians use the pathos, ethos, and logos triangle to accomplish their ends. For instance ethos is the development of your character or reputations, logos is your ideals and logic, and pathos is your emotions. Rhetoricians have agendas, goals, and purposes and use that to bring a message to their audience. They have to know that their audience expects from them so they can know how to craft their message. A lot of times the author will use a genre for a certain audience. When using a genre you must be honest, give your own opinion, try to anticipate “the other”, and give good solid information. Your opinion is the basic structure of your argument.
This year I have also learned a lot about the writing process. That has been one of our main focuses this year. I have learned some tricks before I start writing that I never even thought about before this year. For instance I think about my audience, what my purpose and agenda is what genre I will be writing in, also format, tone, formality, and content. Some tricks and techniques I have learned are brainstorming, what I already know, research, listening, questioning, and talking with someone else. Some of my works that prove that I have learned how to use these tricks would be the brainstorming I have done on my blog, or the free writing that I did in class. I used some of these skills to start the last paper and now this paper. I also learned the different steps of the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, proof reading, publishing, and review. I never really thought about using these steps before this year. I would always wing my papers and just turn them in without any revision or pre-writing before hand. This year I have used different forms of prewriting like the group brainstorming sessions. I also used the free writing once in class. I have written a draft for both of the papers that I have written. I exchanged my papers with a classmates last weekend in Dr. Demayo’s class to proof read and we exchanged opinions on how to improve each others papers. Then I made the changes and published it and turned it in to class the other day. I have learned how to write formally and informally. For instance the first blog entry I did was twenty-five simple sentences. Also the learning reflections I do are informal as well. I wrote my last paper formally because it was a paper due for class and that how a professor expects the paper to be turned in. Also I am writing this paper formally as well.
My next area to prove I have learned a lot of new things is the critical thinking, reading, and writing area. For my first paper I wrote I learned a lot about two different civilizations and what it meant to live the good life. So I used to research and my writing to learn a few things new in history while writing a paper for English. I have also learned how to use quotations. If take another’s idea from a website, book, blog, or anything that’s not my writing I must use quotations to give credit and to show it wasn’t my idea. In the paper I just wrote I used a primary source to look up facts about my topic and would quote the facts to support my reasoning. This class year I have also learned how to produce journal entries, blogs, letters, and memos. Most of my journal entries I enter into my blog. For instance we do a weekly learning reflection that is like a journal entry for me. This year we have also used or primary source book to read from and then in class we will usually discuss it. We will usually read it before class then we will come to class and look at the questions at the board and give our thoughts on what we interpreted from the text.
I have also improved on my oral communication skills this year as well. I have improved because of our groups. I am usually a shy person but I feel like the groups is a good way to express your ideas to people without having to say it by yourself in front of the whole class. The groups have loosened me up a little and its easier for me to participate with others. For instance when we do the group brainstorming I can give fellow classmates some of my opinions while getting to write down some of theirs as well. it’s a real win-win situation for everyone. Also when we do the exercises out of the primary book and we discuss our interpretations in the group then tell the teacher what we think our section meant. I have also learned that if you look at the teacher and look interested then that makes it look like that your listening and paying attention more then someone who has their head down, or is scribbling on their notebook paper.
The last thing I will talk about is the digital technologies aspect. I had never used a blog before this year. I actually had never really taken place in a website where you can write things our express what you want to on them. I use the blog a lot because I have too, but also I enjoy reading others blogs to see what they write about. I sometimes look at my classmates blog to get ideas, to see how they write, and sometimes just because I want to see how well my classmates can write. Its fun to compare your paper with another classmates. This year I have also learned how quote sites on the internet to enter into my paper. For example I used a quote from an internet site on my last paper. Also I used the internet to look up all the areas on the map for my map quiz in history.
I believe I deserve an A because I have learned quite a lot this year, and I have been doing my work. You can see that I have been doing my work by looking at my blog. Also you can see that I have learned a lot by reading this paper and by the time I turn my portfolio in. I have learned a lot up to this point right now, and I am excited to see how much more I will learn by the end of the class!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


The Janapadas are early states. The rough translation of what it means is territory or subject peoples. It existed circa 700-600 BCE. They developed into urban regions and then kingdoms or empires. They formed the basis of the Indian Empire.


Indo-Aryans formed the basis for Indian cultures. They have the earliest written records of the region. Their language was Sanskrit. The Vedas, Mahabharata, and Ramayana are all texts written in Sanskrit that give insight into the society

Hellenistic Kingdom

Hellenistic Kingdoms existed circa 300-100 BCE. They were areas under Greek control whose cultures blended with the Greek way of life. They were urbanized monarchical societies. Literature and art played a big role with the upper classes.

Harrappan Civilization

Harappan Civilization existed from 3000-1500 BC. It was one of the Indus-Valley’s greatest achievements. It was located in what is now Pakistan. They were literate and spoke a Dravidian language, Sanskrit. It was an urban/mercantile civilization with irrigated agriculture.

Han Dynasty

The Han Dynasty existed from 206 BCE to 220 CE. It is split into 2 sections. The first part of the Han Dynasty was referred to as the Western period (206 BCE-9CE) and the second was known as the Eastern period (25-220 CE). This was a period of imperial control in China. It became the influence for approximately the next 2000 years

Marissa's History

Her blog didnt work so i posted them above


Confucius was a philosopher whos teachings were in use around the time of the Han Dynasty in China (206 BCE – 220 CE). During this time period, his writings were superior to other systems of beliefs such as Legalism or Taoism. His thoughts as collective are referred to as Confucianism.


The Covenant is the list of demands and promises made by god to, and from his people. Many covenants have been made in the past by people who believe they are communicating with their god all around the world. This is just one of many ways people over the ages have believed to be communicating with the gods. The covenants are basically guide lines on how to behave stating that if a person were to act a certain way, they would be treated in a certain way.

Egyptian Middle Kingdom

The Egyptian middle kingdom is the point between the eleventh and fourteenth dynasties in ancient Egypt (2055 BCE – 1650 BCE). During this period the flood waters of the Nile returned to normal and agriculture returned to normal. Their form of art known as the 'block statue' was popular up to 2000 years later in the Ptolemaic period.

Egyptian New Kingdom

The Egyptian new kingdom was a new more exciting time to be alive. Taking place at about 1550 BCE – 1070 BCE, Egypt had claimed itself to be a major cosmopolitan society. The ruler from 1480 BCE – 1425 BCE, Thutmosis, launched a period of growth lasting 200 years. This lead to a war, which Egypt lost. This resulted in commercial, political, and cultural exchanges between Egypt and Palestine.

Code of Hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi is a list of rules and regulations regarding the way people should act around 1760 BCE in Mesopotamia. Written by many, dictated by Hammurabi, the code is a strict list of rules with blunt cause and effect style ruling. Hammurabi's code is thought to be one of the first written forms of law. Hammurabi's code would be used to model other forms of government later in history.

Persian Wars

The Persian Wars were a series of civil conflicts in the Mediterranean world from about 92 BCE – 627 CE. This took place in the Mesopotamian area, running down the Euphrates, and north east to the Tigris across Mesopotamia. This series of wars left many civilizations crippled as it lasted for seven centuries.

Bills Blog wasnt working so i posted them for him!

There the ones above


Bodhisattva means enlightened existence or enlightened one. The idea was developed in the 6th century. They are most present in the Indian culture. It is when someone tries to go through Nirvanna to attempt to save themselves.

Pelopennesian Wars

It was a war between Athens and the Peloponessian League. It was from 431 BCe to 404 BCE. They fought battles in the Aegean Sea, Athens, and Peloponessia. In the first war, known as the Archidamian war, sparta invaded Attica while Athens raided the coast of Pelopenessia. The second war occured because Athens invaded Syracuse in Sicily and failed miserably. This resulted in a thrid war, the Ionian War. In this war Sparta and Persia destroyed Athens, and they defeated Athens navy at Aeyospotamia and that ended the war resulting in Athens giving up. After the War Athens never regained its pre war propersirty and Sparta was the main power in greece.


Carthage was a Phoenician city on the mediterranian located in present day Tunisia. It was around in the first century BCE. It riviled Rome as a great city. It fought Rome three times in the Punic Wars and lost all three times. It is the home to the famous general Hannibal. After the third Punic War Rome completely wiped them out and destroyed all the records because they were getting sick of them.


Athens was the capital of ancient Greece and was the largest Greek city state. It lasted from 508 BCE to 322 BCE. Athens was the center for arts, learning, and philosophy. It was the home for many famous people like Socrates. Sophicles, and Pericles. Athens was one of the most proporous cities and had one of the best navies of all time.

Assyrian Empire

The Assryian Empire lasted from 934 BCE to 608 BCE. It was located in Southwest Asia, parts in North Africa, and Egypt. The Assyrian Empire was the most powerful empire at this time. It was the most succusful early empire and lasted three centuries.

Augustus Ceaser

Augustus Ceaser was the adopted son of Julius Ceaser. He lived from 63 BCE to 14 BC. To become the leader of Rome he defeated his rivil in the last civil war. He lived in Rome. He reuinted the Roman Empire by creating aqeducts, highways, and other public work projects.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Draft #2 Course outcomes

Ryan Jacoby
Dr. Brandon
English 111
What I Have Learned So Far
This year in English 111 I believe I have put in enough effort and completed my assignments to achieve an A for the semester. Some of the things I have done is I have been to every class, I do the weekly assignments, I finished the paper due for you and Dr. DeMayo, and I have learned a lot through the course of this class. Some of the main points I will hit will be the general course goals: rhetorical knowledge, Process, Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing, oral communication skills, and digital technologies.
Before I started the class I had no idea what a rhetorician even was. Now I know a lot about what rhetoric is and what rhetoricians do. Rhetoric is the study of how to accomplish your ends by using communication. Rhetoricians use the pathos, ethos, and logos triangle to accomplish their ends. For instance ethos is the development of your character or reputations, logos is your ideals and logic, and pathos is your emotions. Rhetoricians have agendas, goals, and purposes and use that to bring a message to their audience. They have to know that their audience expects from them so they can know how to craft their message. A lot of times the author will use a genre for a certain audience. When using a genre you must be honest, give your own opinion, try to anticipate “the other”, and give good solid information. Your opinion is the basic structure of your argument.
This year I have also learned a lot about the writing process. That has been one of our main focuses this year. I have learned some tricks before I start writing that I never even thought about before this year. For instance I think about my audience, what my purpose and agenda is what genre I will be writing in, also format, tone, formality, and content. Some tricks and techniques I have learned are brainstorming, what I already know, research, listening, questioning, and talking with someone else. Some of my works that prove that I have learned how to use these tricks would be the brainstorming I have done on my blog, or the free writing that I did in class. I used some of these skills to start the last paper and now this paper. Also I have learned the different steps of the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, proof reading, publishing, and review. I never really thought about using these steps before this year. I would always wing my papers and just turn them in without any revision or pre-writing before hand. This year I have used different forms of prewriting like the group brainstorming sessions. I also used the free writing once in class. I have written a draft for both of the papers that I have written. I exchanged my papers with a classmates last weekend in Dr. Demayo’s class to proof read and we exchanged opinions on how to improve each others papers. Then I made the changes and published it and turned it in to class the other day. I have learned how to write formally and informally. For instance the first blog entry I did was twenty-five simple sentences. Also the learning reflections I do are informal as well. I wrote my last paper formally because it was a paper due for class and that how a professor expects the paper to be turned in. Also I am writing this paper formally as well.
My next area to prove I have learned a lot of new things is the critical thinking, reading, and writing area. For my first paper I wrote I learned a lot about two different civilizations and what it meant to live the good life. So I used to research and my writing to learn a few things new in history while writing a paper for English. I have also learned how to use quotations. If take another’s idea from a website, book, blog, or anything that’s not my writing I must use quotations to give credit and to show it wasn’t my idea. In the paper I just wrote I used a primary source to look up facts about my topic and would quote the facts to support my reasoning. This class year I have also learned how to produce journal entries, blogs, letters, and memos. Most of my journal entries I enter into my blog. For instance we do a weekly learning reflection that is like a journal entry for me. This year we have also used or primary source book to read from and then in class we will usually discuss it. We will usually read it before class then we will come to class and look at the questions at the board and give our thoughts on what we interpreted from the text.
I have also improved on my oral communication skills this year as well. I have improved because of our groups. Im usually a shy person but I feel like the groups is a good way to express your ideas to people without having to say it by yourself in front of the whole class. The groups have loosened me up a little and its easier for me to participate with others. For instance when we do the group brainstorming I can give fellow classmates some of my opinions while getting to write down some of theirs as well. it’s a real win-win situation for everyone. Also when we do the exercises out of the primary book and we discuss our interpretations in the group then tell the teacher what we think our section meant. I have also learned that if you look at the teacher and look interested then that makes it look like that your listening and paying attention more then someone who has their head down, or is scribbling on their notebook paper.
The last thing I will talk about is the digital technologies aspect. I had never used a blog before this year. I actually had never really taken place in a website where you can write things our express what you want to on them. I use the blog a lot because I have too, but also I enjoy reading others blogs to see what they write about. I sometimes look at my classmates blog to get ideas, to see how they write, and sometimes just because I want to see how well my classmates can write. Its fun to compare your paper with another classmates. This year I have also learned how quote sites on the internet to enter into my paper. For example I used a quote from an internet site on my last paper. Also I used the internet to look up all the areas on the map for my map quiz in history.
I believe I deserve an A because I have learned quite a lot this year, and I have been doing my work. You can see that I have been doing my work by looking at my blog. Also you can see that I have learned a lot by reading this paper and by the time I turn my portfolio in. I have learned a lot up to this point right now I can’t wait to see how much more I will learn by the end of the class!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Draft for Course Outcome

This year in English 111 I believe I have put in enough effort and completed my assignments to achieve an A for the semester. Some of the things I have done is I have been to every class, I do the weekly assignments, I finished the paper due for you and Dr. DeMayo, and I have learned a lot through the course of this class. Some of the main points I will hit will be the general course goals: rhetorical knowledge, Process, Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing, oral communication skills, and digital technologies.
When I first came into the class I didn’t even know what a rhetorician was. Now I have learned that it is someone who can influence others by using pathos, logos and ethos. Being a rhetorician makes you know your surroundings and makes your aware of how you present yourself. There are a lot of ways rhetoricians’ can influence audiences by using tone, knowing the audience, and the pathos logos ethos triangle.
Next for process, I can show my paper that I did for Dr. Brandon and Dr. Demayo. I had been a procrastinator and never actually did pre-writing or brainstorming. I can use the brainstorms and pre-writings from the blog to show I understand. I can use the notes I have taken on the writing process as well to explain. I did that early paragraph on the clear style. It was my first entry in the blog. I can use that to show informal. I can use the paper for Dr. Brandon and Dr. Demayo as a more formal paper. Also I have notes written down about the difference between the too that I can include in this as well.
For the Critical thinking, reading, and writing section I can show how I learned to use others blog to find my own may to start my entries. Sometimes I look at my fellow classmate’s blogs’ to get an idea how to start mine. I don’t use anyone else’s ideas I just get an idea of what to do. I also can show that I have learned how to use quotes by weekly in class assignments and the quotes I used in my paper. I can show all the blog entries I have written to show that I have learned how to produce letters, journals, blogs, lists, and threaded discussions. For the read, summarize, and respond to non-fiction text I can use some of the work we did out of the primary source history book that we do assignments in.
Next my oral communications skills have gotten better through the group assignments we do in class, the peer review we did on each others paper, and oral presentations given about or weekly in class assignments. How I have learned to maintain better body posture and sit towards the front of the class to show that I am interested in what’s going on. Also I have demonstrated active listening skills by taking down notes and writing down others ideas when we do the brainstorming activities.
Next for digital technologies I can talk about the blog we have been using the whole year. How I have written my papers on my computer and use the computer to revise my paper and share it on the blog site which you can connect to from the forum. Also how I have learned to organize my blog and been able to use websites to find information without copying and pasting from the site. How sometimes I use the shared blogs to get myself started so I get an idea of what to write about.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome to the Good Life! (Final Copy)

Ryan Jacoby
Fall 2010 History 111 08CP Histoy of World Civilization I

In early civilization there were different views on what it meant to live the good life. What were their ideas of the good life? It could be a certain type of occupation, pleasing the gods, being successful, or your actions in your everyday life. Every day life in these documents were influenced by achieving the “good life”. Each of these documents had their own views of the good life. In “The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation” the good life was your actions and desires. In “Be A Scribe” the good life was becoming a scribe. Two documents that refer to the good life would be “Be a Scribe” and “The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation”. “Be a Scribe” and “The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation” didn’t share too much in common but both showed you how to live the good life.

In “Be A Scribe” it is a scribe that talks about why living the scribe life is better then every other occupation. It is a strong opinionated document that heavily suggests that the scribes lifestyle is the best. In this document the scribe talks about all the other jobs and how much hard work you have to put into it. Who would want to put in so much manual labor work? That’s why he saying be a scribe. For instance the scribe says “ The washerman’s day going up, going down. All his limbs are weak, from whitening his neighbors’ clothes every day, from washing their linen”. (All Occupations Are Bad Except That of the Scribe, 62) The scribe also states how much easier his job is then everyone else’s he says, “ The scribe, he alone, records the output of all of them. Take note of it!”.(All Occupations Are Bad Except That of the Scribe, 63) Their the scribe is saying why do those other jobs when you could just watch them do it and then write it down. There’s not as much manual work involved so it’s the easier way. Also if you are a scribe you will have more freedom and won’t be working all day. The scribe says, “ You stride freely on the road, you will not be like an hired ox. You are in front of others”. (Be a Scribe, 64) Also the scribe compares his job to that of a soldiers. The scribe refers to the soldiers life as dangerous, tormenting, and a lot of work. He thinks if you are a soldier you will either die in battle or if you do survive you will not be strong enough to continue on. The scribes last words of advice are “Be a scribe, and be spared from soldering! You call and one says: “Here I am.” You are safe from torments. Every man seeks to raise himself up. Take note of it!”(The Scribe Does Not Suffer Like the Soldier, 65) The scribe is basically saying his job is the best because it is the least amount of work. Why not become a scribe because it’s the least work load and least amount of manual labor.

Another document for living the good life would be “The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation”. In this document it talks about what happens to you if you live a good or bad life. It doesn’t necessarily say that this is the good life, its just my interpretation of what I believed lead to the best life in their society. Depending on how you live your life your soul will be reincarnated into a higher or lower life. Therefore, depending on how you lived decided how life after would be. In The Upanishads it says, “ The doer of good becomes good. The doer of evil becomes evil. One becomes a virtuous man by virtuous action, bad by bad action. (The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation, 94) Also they believe you desires play a big part on how you live. If you have good desires you will do good actions, “ As is his desire, such is his resolve, as his resolve, such the action he performs; what action he performs, that he procures for himself”. (The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation, 94) To live the good life in this religion you don’t want any desire. That’s how you reach the top, Brahman. It says’ “ Now the man who does not desire. - He is who without desire, who is freed from desire, whose desire is satisfied, whose desire is the Soul- his breathes do not depart. Being very Brahman, he goes to the Brahman”. (The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation, 94) Living the good life in this religion is getting rid of desires or attempting not to desire anything. If you can get rid of those temptations you will be living their idea of the good life. You will be reincarnated into something high up when you die.

Next, in both of the documents they shared their idea of what a good life was. They both focused on the actions you wanted to perform to live the good life. In “Be A Scribe” the actions you wanted to perform were choosing the life of the scribe. You wanted to choose that lifestyle because it included less physical work and you just had to write down what others were doing. In “The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation” the actions you wanted to perform were the desires and actions. You moral virtues decided how good of a life you had. Both of these documents focus your actions on the present and how they would affect how good your life is. Another similar idea that both the documents shared was the idea of being higher up in society. For instance the manual labor jobs in “Be A Scribe” weren’t for high class society citizens. Scribes were considered middle, but definitely higher up than the jobs described in the document. In “The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation” you wanted to live morally and wanted to rid yourself of most desires. You wanted to perform good actions to have a good life. Doing those things would let your soul be reincarnated into a higher state then what you normally were. So living the good and right life would bring your status up after you passed away.

Both of the documents focused on what their idea of the good life was but they didn’t share too many of the same ideas. One of the same influences though was your present actions in life. The other influence would be your status in society, both documents you want to be higher up then in lower class. In “Be A Scribe” living the good life was not doing a lot of manual labor, keeping yourself safe from the extremities of war, and performing the easiest job. Being a scribe was like taking the easy route in the work area but you still learned to read and write, and you worked for high up people. In “The Upanishads: Karma and Reincarnation” it was all about getting rid of your desires. If you could get rid of them or try to limit them down you would be getting closer to Brahman. Brahman is want you wanted to achieve and would definitely be the best life. Everyone was trying to get there. Also, your actions affected you as well, the better the person you were the better your life would be. Therefore you wanted to be on your best behavior so you could reincarnate to a higher up state. You wanted to live a good life, and by doing that you had to act good.