This year in English 111 I believe I have put in enough effort and completed my assignments to achieve an A for the semester. Some of the things I have done is I have been to every class, I do the weekly assignments, I finished the paper due for you and Dr. DeMayo, and I have learned a lot through the course of this class. Some of the main points I will hit will be the general course goals: rhetorical knowledge, Process, Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing, oral communication skills, and digital technologies.
When I first came into the class I didn’t even know what a rhetorician was. Now I have learned that it is someone who can influence others by using pathos, logos and ethos. Being a rhetorician makes you know your surroundings and makes your aware of how you present yourself. There are a lot of ways rhetoricians’ can influence audiences by using tone, knowing the audience, and the pathos logos ethos triangle.
Next for process, I can show my paper that I did for Dr. Brandon and Dr. Demayo. I had been a procrastinator and never actually did pre-writing or brainstorming. I can use the brainstorms and pre-writings from the blog to show I understand. I can use the notes I have taken on the writing process as well to explain. I did that early paragraph on the clear style. It was my first entry in the blog. I can use that to show informal. I can use the paper for Dr. Brandon and Dr. Demayo as a more formal paper. Also I have notes written down about the difference between the too that I can include in this as well.
For the Critical thinking, reading, and writing section I can show how I learned to use others blog to find my own may to start my entries. Sometimes I look at my fellow classmate’s blogs’ to get an idea how to start mine. I don’t use anyone else’s ideas I just get an idea of what to do. I also can show that I have learned how to use quotes by weekly in class assignments and the quotes I used in my paper. I can show all the blog entries I have written to show that I have learned how to produce letters, journals, blogs, lists, and threaded discussions. For the read, summarize, and respond to non-fiction text I can use some of the work we did out of the primary source history book that we do assignments in.
Next my oral communications skills have gotten better through the group assignments we do in class, the peer review we did on each others paper, and oral presentations given about or weekly in class assignments. How I have learned to maintain better body posture and sit towards the front of the class to show that I am interested in what’s going on. Also I have demonstrated active listening skills by taking down notes and writing down others ideas when we do the brainstorming activities.
Next for digital technologies I can talk about the blog we have been using the whole year. How I have written my papers on my computer and use the computer to revise my paper and share it on the blog site which you can connect to from the forum. Also how I have learned to organize my blog and been able to use websites to find information without copying and pasting from the site. How sometimes I use the shared blogs to get myself started so I get an idea of what to write about.
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